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Hopkins Public Schools Annual Report

Hopkins Public Schools Report to the Community
Our five-year progress on Vision 2031 

Project Goal: Help staff, families, and the community see and understand the tangible progress Hopkins Public Schools has made on the Vision 2031 district-wide strategic plan and how it connects to academic success and sets our scholars up for competitive advantage. 

Challenge: After a global pandemic and five years of work toward Hopkins Public Schools' district-wide strategic planVision 2031, the Hopkins Marketing and Communications team was tasked to develop a direct mail report to the community that would contain the district's big goals and initiatives, academic performance data, and storytelling. Based on community and leadership feedback after a turbulent school year, the document needed to strike a balance between the factual, narrow focus of an annual report and the aspirational nature of previous Vision 2031 communication materials. Additionally, the report needed to represent the larger community while also communicating the successes of areas of the organization that were perceived by families and the community to be struggling.

Target Audiences: 
Existing and Prospective Hopkins Staff: Can see how Vision 2031 has progressed over the last five years, better understand their place in the Vision, and can better talk about the district's goals and initiatives to families and the broader community.

Existing Families: Can view the progress Hopkins Public Schools has made and how it will impact their children using data and examples.

Community Members: Can understand at a glance the value that Hopkins Public Schools can bring and feel that their tax dollars are well spent, especially leading up to the next school referendum.

Result: I led the design, data gathering, typeset, and prepress workflow using Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop; and Asana over two months. Our team collaboratively edited the document, gathered photos, and gained approval from both school and departmental stakeholders before sending it to press. The 20-page district progress report was sent to 3,000+ homes and businesses in June 2023 and was well-received by staff and existing families.
Hopkins Public Schools Annual Report


Hopkins Public Schools Annual Report
